Luxury in details and minimalist finishes.

In Exquisite, luxurious materials and minimalist finishes create a world where elegance meets sophistication. We believe that every woman is unique, and our sensual lingerie highlights her individual style at every moment of life.

Exquisite by Obsessive

Exquisite is a manifestation of beauty and individuality. It's the extraordinary pleasure of expressing oneself through phenomenal lingerie. Allow yourself a bit of luxury, making every moment special.

Quality you will love

In Exquisite collections, you'll find designs that subtly yet undeniably highlight feminine sensuality. Unique fabric patterns and exquisite finishes introduce a world of sensual luxury. Discover that every detail plays a key role here.

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A brand with traditions

Obsessive is more than a lingerie brand. It's a response to the needs of women and couples. Obsessive inspires, ignites passion, erotic imagination, and mutual fascination. It releases hidden desires and allows fantasies to come true. For 18 years, the brand has been offering its products in over 66 countries around the world.
